12 Skills To Teach Kids To Make Them Strong Leaders

MadhaviCommunication Skills, Leadership1 Comment

teacher, parents, skills, kids, courage, leadership

In one of my previous posts , I talked about one my experiences and how my teachers act impacted me.

Elaborating on that, teachers and parents have a great impact on the lives of the kids. They are the ones that kids look up to. A 2 year old toddler imitates his dad in everything he does – tries to walk like him, talk like him and act like him.  Kids are great observers, they observe our every move and every act. They notice how we react to situations. It is our responsibility to show them the leader in us for them to develop the leader in them.

When we show the true leader in ourselves, we develop the leader in our kids.

Here are some the things that parents and teachers or anyone who constantly interact with kids should keep in mind to build strong leaders out of our kids.

  1. Encourage kids to DREAM. Great things are accomplished when you dream high and believe in your dreams.
  2. Encourage kids to think out of the box. This enhances their creativity.
  3. Encourage kids to have an open mind and heart. They should cultivate the habit to listen to others – This helps to look at others perspectives.
  4. Encourage kids to build the courage to stand by the truth and their values – This helps build strong character and values.
  5. Encourage kids to respect others – This is essential for building relationships.
  6. Teach them that it is not always about winning – experiences are more valuable than the final result.
  7. One solution does not fit all. Provide kids with problem solving scenarios in day to day activities – strengthen their creativity, confidence and analytical brain.
  8. Encourage kids to articulate their thoughts and ideas in more than one way – This helps improve their communication skills.
  9. Encourage kids to reason for their ask – this helps build negotiation skills
  10. Encourage kids to express gratitude – this is essential for success.
  11. Encourage kids to be persistent in achieving their dreams – success comes with persistence.
  12. Teach kids to be assertive – a very important skill of leadership.

Most importantly, know your kids personality. Get to know their strengths and weaknesses. Strengthen their strengths and work on their weaknesses.  Make them strong so they can easily pass through any road they come across rather than trying to make their road a easy one.

Do you agree with these 12 points? What would you teach your kids to make them strong leaders?

One Comment on ““12 Skills To Teach Kids To Make Them Strong Leaders”

  1. Pingback: Why didn’t my teacher help me? | The Lead IT

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