Career Planning Tips

MadhaviCareer, Planning1 Comment

If you are one of the many people out there who is very ambitious to take your career to the next level but feel that something is holding you back or fear to take the appropriate steps, then you could benefit from the following tips in making the next career move.


Let’s talk about what is holding you back – your fears. We are intimidated by a lot of things and to mention a few – first we fear moving out of our comfort zone, we fear not having the skills for the new role, we fear of being rejected in this new role, we fear of competing with talent out there with good business acumen, we fear to fail. Let me assure you, you are not the only one with these thoughts and you need to build confidence and take the necessary action to overcome your fears.

Are we ready?

First and foremost, give some thought on where you are and where you want to be. Analyze your current skill set to that of your dream job. Develop a skills/career matrix. As a result of this exercise, you should have a better picture of what you need to do in order to go where you want to be.

There is no tangible skill per se which measures if a person will be a good and effective. The strong people skills needed to succeed come inherently to some and by practice to many.  So, you too can be an effective at your new role, with proper planning, guidance and experience.

How do you prepare

Now that you know what you have and what you need, below are a few steps that can help you make this transition.

  • Communicate

Try to leverage your current experience as a foundation for your next career move. A good starting point is to communicate your career ambition to your immediate leader. This would help if you plan to make a move within your organization. You could take his input to lay down the path that leads to your success. If you plan is to take up the next opportunity in a different organization, this still helps as you can build your strengths on your leaders feedback.

  • Networking

It would be helpful if you have a strong support network, whether it is within your organization or elsewhere. Build a strong network of colleagues, friends, clients etc. Emphasize on what you can offer and let them know what you are looking for. You never know how and when an opportunity knocks your door. Also, don’t forget to keep in touch with your past colleagues and employers.

  • Find a mentor or a coach

When you talk to successful leaders across the globe, they tell you that they had someone who helped them in their career development, either actively or passively. It is always good to have someone looking over you and guiding you, just the way we guide kids. Find a mentor(s) or coach to guide you through various stages in your career.

  • Equip yourself

From the above exercise, you now know if you need any formal education or training. Plan on gaining the necessary knowledge through education or training.

No matter where you are in your career, or what industry you belong to, the steps above can help you plan for you next move. Prepare yourself and make yourself ready to hop on the opportunity when it arises. Dream high, plan your dreams and take action. Remember no action no results.

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